Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 63: Run for Your Life

I am exhausted. Last night, I slept like shit. I can't get out of my head, so I just stare at the ceiling for hours until by some miracle I fall asleep. I need a better plan. Especially when I have a day as busy as today.

I have four weeks left in the challenge. I still have 4 additional PT sessions on the books with Q from prior to joining the challenge, so we have decided to use one a week until the end. This weeks sessions are all at 9am. This came really freaking early this morning after no sleep. I woke up at 7:30, got ready, cooked breakfast, choked half down before I couldn't stomach another bite, then headed out. My arms are still killing me from over the weekend; so Q took it easy on my upper body. We did leg presses, different types of squats and lunges then headed to the treadmill to... RUN. SHIT! I hate... no LOATHE RUNNING!

I told Q last week that I didn't know how to run... I figured that must be the reason why I despise it so much. Maybe there was some secret trick I didn't know and that was going to unlock my secret love of running.  NOPE! Apparently I know how to run and have excellent form. So, I really don't have an excuse and there are no magic secrets I didn't know. I just hate it. I hated it in high school and I hated it in the military. I jiggle. My lungs hurt. My shins hurt. My knees hurt. My boobs hurt. Fuck. Running. It. Sucks.

But here is the thing. There is no exercise on the planet that can take its place for quickly burning fat... which is what I need for the next four weeks.... and I hate running, a little less than I hate being fat... So guess who is going to run every mother f'ing time I see Q for the next 4 weeks. Me. Me. Me. I am going to run. DAMN. IT. ALL! 

I really hate running, ya'll don't even know. If running was a person and it was on fire, I would not piss on it to put it out. I would let that mother burn and dance on his grave.

So in the spirit of not giving up, I left the gym and killed it the rest of the day. I ran by to view a property I'll be staging this week, headed to Arlington to destage a townhome, unpacked at the warehouse, went shopping for soft furnishings, jumped on the Avon Walk team leader call, finished manipulating some CADs for a client, queued up the renderings, and now I am talking to you drinking some sleepy time tea.  Maybe it will work. I'll let you know. Talk to you tomorrow.