Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 57: Surround Yourself with Greatness

I don't think my brain was properly functioning this morning, our training session was at 9am. I wish I could tell you what we did, but I don't remember. I do remember that we did super sets of arms and I remember doing Abs because I'm still sore, but everything else feels like a blur. Stupid time change. When are we going to stop this nonsense?

I came home and my mind started to become clear around noon. I cleaned my house, prepped for this weeks work things, then headed off for a staging consult at 5pm with a new realtor. It went fabulous. I love my job, truly. I left about 6:15 and headed to the house to get ready to go back to the gym.

Rush hour in this area is a bitch, but I made it back to the house in time to get ready and head back to the gym. Joey had a training session and I always try to go back when he goes. 1. For solidarity. 2. Because it keeps me accountable for doing two a days. What can I say, I am a social creature. I don't like going anywhere on my own if I don't have to. That may be why this go round is working out so well for me. I have Q, trainer and nutritionist extraordinaire and Joey, friend and motivator extraordinaire. They both keep me going and accountable. If I didn't have them, I don't think I would be doing so well. It is working out quite nicely. So, this evening I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill doing interval training. The incline was set to a low of 3 and high of 18.5. I sweat like a beast on that bad boy. That's how you know its working right?

I will leave you with a quote I saw that really spoke to me. I am blessed to have incredible people in my life and I wish the same for you. I'll talk to you tomorrow.