Welcome to the Inner Monologue of the Fit Fat Girl, the irreverent ranting’s of a fit girl living in a fat girl’s body and the challenge of getting these two on the same page.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Day 74-77: New York, New York
My cousin and I headed to NYC this weekend to check out the Bjork show. With no plans other than to see her on Saturday, we had no expectations and ended up with a fabulous adventure. We went on a button scavenger hunt around Manhattan with a costume designer from Juilliard; got a behind the scenes theater tour; saw Biped, one of the most incredible modern dance numbers performed by students of Juilliard; hung out with super friendly artists and designers in the upper west side; drank delicious coffee; saw the most mind blowing concert of my life; ate and drank our way through Brooklyn. Best of all, I got to do this all while getting to hang out with my favorite person.
I was nervous I was going to gain a lot of weight because I wasn't able to eat the way I was used to eating. The three days we were there, I think we ate 4 times. I had 1 cheeseburger, 1 veggie burger, pizza, and a spinach omelet. It was mostly crap food, but dang it was delicious. I came home and somehow had lost 5 pounds. I suspect it was because of all the walking we did.
There is not much time left in the challenge, so I am glad I didn't completely destroy everything I worked so hard for. 13 days left, I'll talk with you soon.