Welcome to the Inner Monologue of the Fit Fat Girl, the irreverent ranting’s of a fit girl living in a fat girl’s body and the challenge of getting these two on the same page.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Day 21: It Takes 21 Days to Make a Habit
Well, there is no scientific evidence that is actually the case, but whatever... I was still VERY much so looking forward to hitting the 21 day mark.... and TOOOODDDAAYYYYY is the DAY! I have officially been eating right and exercising for 21 days straight. That is pretty damn awesome to me.
If you would have asked me 20 days ago if this would actually be the case, I don't think I would have said yes. I don't think I would have said anything. I was in it, but I wasn't really IN it; but for some reason, this time something clicked. At this point it feels like second nature to sit down at a restaurant and the first thing out of my mouth is asking for the calorie menu. It is also getting easier to turn my nose up to pizza when Ryan brings it home or saying no to booze when everyone around me is drinking. These are all HUGE for me. I honestly never thought it was possible.
Now to be clear, don't think for one second I don't struggle. I absolutely do. This last week Ryan got a damn pizza... it was sitting on the counter in my kitchen. I walked over to it, opened the box and literally stared at it for 5 solid minutes while having a serious conversation with myself about wanting... longing really... to completely destroy the entire delicious buttery box. (GOD help me I love pizza so much). I finally made a compromise and allowed myself to pick off one peperoni. Let me tell you I savored the SHIT out of that thing. Oh my God it was so good. I really love pizza ya'll, you don't even know. If I could eat it every single day I would. After my delicious treat, I put the lid back down, walked away, and never looked at it again. I broke through a major psychological barrier that day.
When it comes to booze, I most certainly still drink. I just don't drink like I used to. Instead of sitting down and having a sugary signature drink or full flavored beer, I have vodka and club soda or one glass of red wine. I am still just as happy as I was before. Well, even happier really... my bill isn't as high and it takes me a LOT less time to get a buzz.
On a YAY ME note.... I have officially made it through the super bowl without shoving my face full of shit and drowning in a bottle. I ate edamame, a ham sandwich with mustard, and drank unsweetened peach tea. Success! I will go on to day 22 feeling awesome. Cheers to 21 days of success and 21 more. I'll talk to you tomorrow.