Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 48: Saturday - T2T Vending Take 2

Today I was at the ETC inaugural combine selling the fabulous T2T apparel. Let me tell you, I am so in love with this company and the product. The shirts are so much fun and I always get to talk to so many great people who are entertained by the shirts. Also, I am really going HAM with my display, I am not going to lie. So much pink! Check it out:

Todays sales weren't amazing given that the combine was rescheduled due to being snowed out the week before and the turnout wasn't what was expected. I did, however, manage to gather enough information to figure our a new strategy. I am going to make myself a pop up boutique. I cannot go through digging for sizes anymore, just to not have them and let down my now disheartened shopper. I came home this evening and made these fabulous size indicators, and bought another rack, so I am going to have all of my inventory available for people to peruse via size so they can get in and out easily. We'll see how it goes! Next event is on March 17th.

Now, I am off to Outback for dinner. I am really about to destroy a sweet potato and salmon. I'll talk to you tomorrow.