I may be dying according to Google. I think I may have TB, I'm not sure. All I know is that I feel like hell and I can't stop coughing. One can only drink so much dandelion tea and honey.
I made an honest attempt to make a go of it today, I ran errands and went to my studio to pack... but now I sit here dizzy and in pain wanting nothing more than to go lay in a Jacuzzi or steam room so I can breath. Doesn't my body know that I don't have time for this?!
Today I have discovered there is a direct correlation between feeling like asshole and eating shitty food. I just went to Chick-fil-a with the intention of getting chicken noodle soup and a salad. What came out of my mouth was "can I please get a number one with a lemonade and a small ice dream cone? thanks!" So now, on top of feeling like death warmed over, I feel guilty about eating fried food... scared I'm going to gain back 5 pounds from my moment of weakness. This is a vicious cycle. Can someone just knock me out and wake me up when I feel better?