Monday, September 21, 2015

Round 2: Week One, I'm BACK

Well hello my lovelies. Long time no chat. I know, I know, I should do better. Well, I am going to do better... at least for the next 12 weeks anyway. Why 12 weeks you wonder? Because the challenge is back and blogging is yet again the best way to keep myself accountable. This time however, I am going to be doing it a little bit differently and only blog once or twice a week. I am making a lot of life changes at this current juncture, committing to once or twice a week is doable, so we will start with that.

The challenge is also set up a little bit differently this go round. We were all put into teams and have accountability through our captains who will handle our nutrition and such. I am signed up for training again, but now we are focusing on strength training instead of cardio based weight loss since Q did such good job last time of teaching me how to do that on my own.  So now I have two people to keep me in line! My team is owned by my favorite Q of course, and my new trainer is Stephanie.  Meet Stephanie, she is kind of a Crossfit goddess:

I was a little bit nervous at first to switch to a new system, given I was used to Q being my rock and I didn't know how being trained by someone I'd never met would work out for me... As it turns out, it works really well. Stephanie is a total badass and I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship (thanks for picking a good one Q). So far I have trained with her 3 times and she doesn't take it easy on me at all. She is kicking my ass in the nicest possible way. As you all know, I am a total goofball, and she puts up with me. I think she got jokes of her own though. The other day she told me to make sure when I got home not to just lay around OR I would be sore... well, I went home and stood up for a couple hours while I studied and still couldn't move over the next 3 days... What she should have said was "haha, just kidding, there is no hope for you. I just kicked your ass and your body is going to be jelly no matter what you do". But she didn't say that, she just smiled sweetly and I am still sore almost a week later. This is exactly what she inflicted on me to make me so sore:

I look amazing right? Ha, I'm just kidding, I look crazy... 55 pounds doesn't seem like a lot until you are made to pick it up 57 times. It was taking everything in me just to get the damn thing where it needed to go. I did it though. My burpee form severely suffered during the WOD, but I rallied and pushed through.
Since finishing the last challenge, the majority of my lifestyle changes and new habits have stuck around. I drink minimally, I try my best not to eat crap food and if I do, I eat in moderation. I split dishes with friends when we go out; and most importantly, I listen to my body. When it says it is full, I stop eating. That is something I was never able to do in the previous 28 years of living. When I weighed in last Thursday, I was lighter than I was when it ended. I have been sitting around 233 for months now.
I'm not going to lie though, the fact the scale is not moving is getting on my nerves... but it is my own fault. I did a lot of gallivanting this summer. I spent 2 weeks eating my way through Europe, 4 days in Canada shoveling Poutine in my face, and spent a lot of time down south where fried everything is life. The difference this time is I wasn't only sitting on my ass eating all the artery clogging deliciousness.  I was eating AND hiking, biking, climbing, running, and walking all over Gods creation. It still didn't help me loose any more weight, but it did prevent those Bojangles biscuits from sticking to my ass, so I will consider it a win. But play time is over and it is time to get back to business.
This time, the goal is to get below 200, drop my bodyfat by 5% and be able to do an unassisted pull-up. I think it is possible. Getting back on the healthy food only wagon is going to be the biggest hurdle, but with the help and support of my lovelies, I can do anything. Thanks in advance for being here for me ya'll, God knows I'll need it. Here is to a new leg of the journey. Talk to you soon.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 91: The Golds Gym Challenge is Complete

This morning was the big day. I weighed in. I can't believe it is over. The challenge that consumed my life is complete. I feel so many emotions right now. Happiness, relief, pride, and a hint of sadness. Now, I am on my own to finish what we started.
For those of you on your own journey. Good luck. Mine is not over. I'll still be blogging when the mood strikes; but for now, I just have to keep trucking along to get to my end goal. Which is what you may wonder.... For now, I want to be a size 8 with guns, a ripped back and six pack. I think I can do it. Nothing else has been impossible so far.
One of the requirements for the challenge was for an essay to be written about your experience. Well, since ya'll know I actually enjoy writing, I wrote a novel. It's posted below this picture. It may be the realest thing I have written to date. 

"Hi, my name is Nicole and this is the story of a fit girl who lived in a fat girl’s body and the emotional and physical rollercoaster we went on the last 3 months. I guess I should start with a little background. I have always struggled with my weight. I was a skinny kid, a fat middle schooler, an average high schooler (addicted to diet pills, because I wasn’t skinny enough), and hot mess of an adult. Currently, I am 28 years old and in the last 10 years, I have weighed at a low 179 and a high 291. The most concerning jump has been within the last 4 years after I got off active duty from the Air Force. I went from 235 to 291. The crazy part was you would think this jump alone would cause me to really evaluate my life choices, but when I looked in the mirror I didn’t see a fat girl. I still saw someone beautiful. I saw someone funny, charming, smart, educated, talented, loved; I saw someone awesome. My problem was not the mirror. My problem was life. 
I started to realize my weight was an issue slowly, I noticed when I was on the metro, my butt was encroaching on the passenger sitting next to me,and this embarrassed me. When I went to the theater, I could not comfortably fit in the seat. I had to pay more to go skydiving. I worried about weight limits for things like zip lining or Segway tours. Honestly, it was a crapshoot whether or not my behind would properly fit in the seats at amusement parks. I was already irritated that I couldn’t fit into my favorite clothing brands anymore. I was able to ignore that, but I could no longer ignore how my life was becoming limited by something that was completely controllable. 
Once I had this realization, I went to the doctor to have my thyroid checked… you know, because it is easier to blame a medical condition than to possibly admit you have a problem with bourbon, burgers, and bacon. I was normal, just obese with ridiculously high cholesterol for my age. The doctor looked at me and said, “At the rate you are going, you will have diabetes by 30 and dead by 60. You have to decide what to do about it.” 
So what did I do? I joined Gold’s Gym. I started out going to Zumba, Air Fit, and Yoga… all the fun classes… but I wasn’t losing any weight. My diet was still horrible, so I decided to start seeing Q for nutrition counseling. I did start to lose a little bit of weight, but my heart wasn’t in it. I did, however, learn a very important lesson about myself and that was in order to succeed I needed accountability. 
I was sitting at the smoothie bar one night when Caesare walked up and told me about the challenge. I looked over the personal training package and went home to think about it. I ultimately decided that if I were really going to do this, then choosing the training package for 3 times a week would give me the best chance to succeed. This is the best decision I have ever made. The challenge saved my life.
Since Q and I had built a relationship during my nutrition appointments, it was decided she would be my trainer. If it was anybody else, I don’t think I would have accomplished all that I have over these 12 weeks. Because of her patience and guidance, not only did I win a weight loss battle of epic proportions, I won a mental and emotional battle that I didn’t even know I was going to fight.
For the first 2 weeks of training, I was absolutely convinced she was a sadist and was in this only to try to kill me. My legs and arms felt like jelly, I couldn’t move without feeling every aching muscle in my body, honestly I wanted to throw in the towel, then the strangest thing started happening. I stopped hurting and started getting noticeably stronger. When training started, I couldn’t do a pushup to save my life. Within 4 weeks, I was doing right angle pushups and holding planks with ease. I could do 100 sit-ups with a 20-pound medicine ball as if it was nothing. I was doing “2-a-days” for the majority of the challenge, training with Q in the morning and coming back at night to do my favorite classes. I hit so many physical milestones during this challenge, I could write a book; but these are just the highlights.
I used to walk on the treadmill and watch all the “hardcore athletes” do Crossfit in awe of their ability, thinking to myself “maybe one day.” Now, I do Crossfit with them and love it. I’ve found a serious love for weightlifting. Vicki has somehow brought back all my flexibility from high school and my range of motion is significantly better than even when I was regularly seeing my chiropractor. I am also proud to say I no longer have any lower back pain.  But honestly, the thing I am most proud of is my newfound ability to run. I have always hated running with a passion. I hated it in high school when I played soccer and I hated it in the military when I had to run to keep my job… but for the last 6 weeks of the challenge, Q made me run every day, even the days I wasn’t with her. I got to the point I could run for 15 minutes without needing a break. To me, this was a major accomplishment because I truly enjoyed it, something I never thought possible.
The mental and emotional journey for me had the largest impact. One of my many struggles was my challenge with food and alcohol. These things were part of my identity. I am a self-proclaimed foodie. There was nothing I loved more than a gourmet meal and handcrafted cocktail. My hobbies were trying new restaurants and bars with friends; we ate out 5 or 6 times a week. Happy hour wasn’t just 2 drinks with co-workers, it turned into a 5-hour party. The largest things I had to break through were how I looked at food and the need to cut myself off from an environment that revolved around alcohol. 
When you take away 90% of what you do for fun, you have to fill the void with other activities. Something that was a bit surprising was that I started filling the void with healthy activities like hiking, golfing, laser tag, putt-putt, and seminars. I also started blogging about my journey. I needed an outlet to help me work through my emotions and to my surprise; it helped other people start their own weight loss and fitness journeys as well. 
Most importantly, my diet had to change or all of this would be for nothing. During the first 6 weeks, I asked Q for a list of food items I could eat that I wouldn’t have to think about. She wrote down things like whole grains, fruit, green veggies, lean meats etc., to get my body used to eating clean. She also limited my alcohol to a maximum of 4 drinks per sitting, no more than 2 times a week. 
It was hard and I had a couple mess up’s, but ultimately I got through it with her help and that of my friend, Joey. There is something to be said about having a partner do this challenge with you. He gave me strength when I didn’t think I could keep going and Q kept me accountable asking every day what I ate and how was my water consumption. They gave me strength to do what came next, something I never thought possible. I stopped drinking completely for the last 6 weeks and only ate eggs, oatmeal, fish, veggies, spinach, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and drank only water. Looking at food as a source of nutrition instead of a source of pleasure, may be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. There were many days I broke down and cried myself to sleep, because my life as I knew it was drastically changing.
I couldn’t have done this without the support of my trainer, instructors, friends, and family who cheered me on the entire journey. I built relationships that will be with me forever. Now, I sit here writing this 43 pounds lighter, 14.25 inches smaller, with 4.7% less body fat, emotional over the fact that I was able to accomplish something in 12 short weeks, that I wasn’t even able to consider in 10 long years.  This is just the beginning for me, my journey isn’t over. I still have more to go before I am where I want to stay; but now thanks to the challenge, and my new friends, I absolutely know I can and I will."

4/14/2015 *UPDATE*: Yesterday, I received the phone call I had been waiting on. Judging was complete and I did it. I won the overall local woman's division and was submitted for the national competition. Even if I don't take nationals (which lets be serious, that would be freaking awesome), it still feels amazing to have won my home gym. Guess we will see what happens.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 78-90: Winding Down

12 days until the end of the challenge. It almost feels surreal. I stopped posting daily because I would just run out of time by the end of the day, but I did keep notes.

Day 78, Tuesday, 3/31:

Ugh, I feel terrible, but the show must go on. I have Q @ 6 and tanning to follow. Have I mentioned how much I love my tanning salon? I don't think I am going to let myself go this long without tanning again. I feel like me again.

Day 79, Wednesday, 4/1:

I have Q @ 12 today, I cant believe I only have 5 training sessions left.... am I going to be able to keep going without her? Damn... 11 days left, I am so nervous! Thankfully I have work to keep me busy. Off to pack for tomorrows staging.

Day 80, Thursday, 4/2:

I do love that my job is not sedentary. Today I staged a home and was on my feet 6 hours strait. I am not complaining. I love what I do. It feels good to work with your hands. There is something strangely calming about it. Also, the immediate gratification is certainly addictive. 

After the staging I went to see Amy, my tattoo artist, to finish up the piece on my arm. I love it so much.


Day 81, Friday, 4/3:

It is becoming increasingly hard not to drink. I think I will go shoot guns. I have Q this morning, need food, must go to Costco... then Pew Pew Pew. Joey and I will have to hit up Elite Shooting Sports this evening. I am in need of some Guntry Club time.


Day 82, Saturday, 4/4:

Well I had Q this morning, so I didn't exactly feel bad about that Bloody Mary I had with brunch, damn it was good. Today is the International Pillow Fight Day and we are going to the National Mall to whack strangers with pillows, don't worry, it's organized. We met up with some friends for brunch prior to heading over to the fight. It would seem I am incapable of brunching without booze. Worth it, my Bloody Mary paired perfectly with my smoked salmon and fruit. Nom nom nom. The pillow fight was epic. Such a good time.

After the fight, we wandered over to dinner. I had a salad... and a vodka soda. Am I sabotaging myself at this point?! I mean, I have 8 days left. Fuck Nicole, what is up? After dinner, we headed to Federal Triangle to catch a Capital Steps show. I think we were the youngest in there by 30 years, but whatever, it was hilarious. You can't go wrong with musical political satire in this beautiful city of ours.

Day 83, Sunday, 4/5, Hoppy Easter:

I hit up the sauna this morning to sweat out the alcohol, I guess in my head that would keep me from drinking again today as we are converging on Top Golf this afternoon to celebrate Easter and basically just being awesome. Again, apparently I am incapable of not drinking during certain events... driving ranges seem to be one of them. Joey and I split a bucket of delicious Heinekens. NO REGRETS! But now I am certain I am trying to sabotage myself. Get it together Canole. 7 days left.

Day 84-90, 4/5 - 4/12:

7 days. No more notes. Only zoned in on the finish line. This time I am a competitor before I am a wife or friend. Thank God those who love me understand that. I have worked too damn hard to give up now. I am running twice a day, sitting in the sauna every night, wrapping my stomach and arms with "those crazy wrap things" and weight training in-between. Every calorie is counted, every movement is tracked, every drop of water is measured. I had 7 days and tomorrow is the day. Monday I weigh in.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 74-77: New York, New York

My cousin and I headed to NYC this weekend to check out the Bjork show. With no plans other than to see her on Saturday, we had no expectations and ended up with a fabulous adventure. We went on a button scavenger hunt around Manhattan with a costume designer from Juilliard; got a behind the scenes theater tour; saw Biped, one of the most incredible modern dance numbers performed by students of Juilliard; hung out with super friendly artists and designers in the upper west side; drank delicious coffee; saw the most mind blowing concert of my life; ate and drank our way through Brooklyn. Best of all, I got to do this all while getting to hang out with my favorite person.

I was nervous I was going to gain a lot of weight because I wasn't able to eat the way I was used to eating. The three days we were there, I think we ate 4 times. I had 1 cheeseburger, 1 veggie burger, pizza, and a spinach omelet. It was mostly crap food, but dang it was delicious. I came home and somehow had lost 5 pounds. I suspect it was because of all the walking we did.

There is not much time left in the challenge, so I am glad I didn't completely destroy everything I worked so hard for. 13 days left, I'll talk with you soon.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 71-73: The World Ain't Ready

Day 71, Tuesday, 3/24: Today was one of the many days in my life that I proudly proclaim as the "Best Day Ever". It started out with Q at 9, followed by heading to my girl Yaya's house for the most fabulous pedicure ever, stopped by Massage Envy to schedule a massage for tomorrow, then ran to Potomac Mills for some retail therapy. Let's just take a second to discuss the psychological state of a fat girl who has now lost enough weight to fit back into her favorite brands.

First a little background. In my very first blog post, I mentioned "it continues to piss me off that I can’t fit into my fabulous cocktail dresses from my early 20’s and that I can’t shop at my favorite stores anymore." What I didn't get into, is exactly how much shopping meant to me and how much I identify with my wardrobe. To me, clothes aren't just something to cover your naked body, they are the vehicle to show the world who you are. Prior to my fat girl status, if I was not in uniform, I was in dresses, pearls, and flip flops 75% of the time (since I am a Southern Belle and all). If I wasn't in a dress, I was in shorts and a tank top. After the fatness took over I stuck to jeans, capris, maxi dresses, and chinos. Still cute, just not as fabulous. My favorite stores were Banana Republic, Gap, Ann Taylor, Limited, and White House Black Market. I shopped other places too, but these were my true loves. If you haven't figured it out by now, I was a bit of a preppy.

Even when I could only fit into plus size clothing (Layne Bryant, Torrid, Eloquii, Macy's Fat Girl Section, etc.), I would still torture myself by going to my favorite stores just to check out the latest trends; every once and a while buying a purse or shoes just to feel like I belong. More often than not, I wouldn't even be acknowledged as I roamed the racks. To me, it seemed as if the sales girls were saying "What is that big girl doing here, she can't wear our clothes".  I always left feeling sad and a bit disheartened. However, if there is one thing I am excellent at, it is compartmentalizing; so, I would never let it effect me long enough for me to do anything about it.

I didn't realize exactly how much I have been craving high quality silk and cashmere or even more the acknowledgement of the staff at my favorite stores, until today. As I pulled up to Potomac Mills, I made a B-Line to Banana Republic. Within minutes, I had an armful of clothes and a girl offering to start my dressing room. I wish I could accurately describe to you the sense of complete euphoria that washed over me as I put on the first outfit and realized I had to ask for a smaller size. It was as if every fiber of my being was screaming YAAASSSSS, YOU DID IT!!!! YOU ARE BACK AND THE WORLD AIN'T READY. I felt amazing and fierce. I felt in control of my life and my body. I took some pictures of course to commemorate the occasion:


Once I left Banana, I popped into J Crew, Limited, Coach, Kate Spade, H&M, and Off Broadway Shoes. I fell in love with these Betsey Johnson's. I think they may have magical properties, because I look pretty fabulous in this picture if I may say so:

I didn't want my day to end, but I had to get to the gym. I had Joey texting me keeping me in check. So, off I went to pick him up and get in a round of abs. Pretty good end to the best day ever.

Day 72, Wednesday, 3/25: A day of pampering. This morning I was busy just doing me. I had Q at 10, Caitlin (my hair stylist) at 11:30, and a much needed massage at 5:30. I am feeling pretty fierce lately, so we went with a rock star hairstyle. I also happen to be leaving for NYC Friday morning and am going with my cousin who is model material and I can't be looking like a bum beside him.

Day 73, Thursday, 3/26: Let the adventures begin. I have to get it in prior to my NYC adventure; so, I had Q at 12, tanning at 2, and my cousin Jacob got into town at 3. Once he got in, we hung out for a little bit, then headed off to Churchkey in DC for a few beers. Say bye bye diet. Hope I don't completely destroy you. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Days 65-70: Whirlwind of Events

'Tis the busy season for my job, as such I routinely run out of time by the end of the day and therefore have to condense my blogging to weekly for the time being. This will be an adventure, I can barely remember what happened yesterday, so it should be fun trying to remember what I do for an entire week. 

Day 65, Wednesday, 3/18: Q at 9 am, Restage a beautiful condo in Belmont Bay, go to warehouse and pack for tomorrows staging, head back to gym for second round of abs with Joey... pass out face first from exhaustion.

Day 66, Thursday, 3/19: Stage unoccupied home in Fairfax, head to the gym with Joey, fall asleep and drool on myself.

Day 67, Friday, 3/20:  Q at 9am, 2 Destagings, Dinner with Hubby's co-workers, adventure to Fredericksburg that ended in an internal battle over a drink.

We went to see Insurgent at my favorite movie theater which has a swanky bar and 21+ section. We had an hour to kill, so we sat in the bar chatting where I discovered they had drinks tailored to the faction you identify with... SO OF COURSE I ORDERED DAUNTLESS before it even registered that I wasn't supposed to be drinking. As the drink gets brought to the table, Joey gives me shit about the alchohol. I sat there, took a sip, set it down, stared at it for a while, and eventually gave up and passed it to my husband. Instead I got a water with lemon and headed into the movie. Will Power 1 - Booze 0. Thanks for the push Joey.

Day 68, Saturday, 3/21: This morning I had a consult, tanning, make-up tutorial sesh with Yaya and Sabrina, and TopGolf with Joey and Ryan. Fun stuff aside, today was particularly awesome because I decided to try on a pair of Martin and Osa skinny jeans from 5 years ago and they FIT! I EVEN NEEDED A BELT! 

Honestly, I thought this was a fluke, so I ran to my "skinny closet" with all of my non-fat girl clothes in it and start ripping through jeans, shorts, and skirts from Gap, Banana, Express, and Limited... and I FIT in EVERY SINGLE ONE! I am officially out of fat girl clothes and back into normal sizes. Granted, it is still a 14 and bigger than I want to be, but it is a hell of a lot better than a woman's size 18/20! The picture below is me in the same jeans 5 years ago. I find this pic particularly interesting because even though I am the same size, I appear to be more toned. So yay for weight lifting!

Day 69, Sunday, 3/22: Gym, Tan, SHOPPING!  Today was pretty rad. Joey and I went to the gym. I ran for 45 minutes, Joey did Abs, then we met up with Josh and did a virtual Body Flow class. Holy moly that class is hard! It is apparently a mix of Yoga, Pilates, and Tai-Chi. I was sweating like a pig about half way through. I didn't know my body was capable of bending all those ways. After that hour was over, we grabbed a shake, went grocery shopping, stopped by a friends house to say hey, and popped in for a quick tan.

We got home around 5, ate dinner, then I headed off to Nordstrom to see what I could fit my behind into. I was like a kid in a candy store. I picked up a couple of Free People skirts and shirts, a Couture maxi-dress, and a Ralph gown. I can't tell you how much fun it was trying on super cute, trendy clothes.

Listen when I tell you the struggle for fashionable fat girl clothes is real! I have always considered myself a bit of a Fashionista, but trying to remain cute while your fat is pretty damn hard. If it wasn't for ModCloth and Eloquii, I wouldn't have been able to do it. Now, I am SUPER excited because I don't have to worry about that. You best believe my behind will be waltzing right into my favorite store on the planet, Banana Republic, next week.

Day 70, Monday, 3/23: I had Q in the morning and I did Yoga in the evening, other than that, I have no on earthly idea what I did today.

We will see if I can remember what I do next week. Talk to you later, gator.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Day 64: Busy Bee and T2T

Today is the beginning of a very busy week in the land on Nicole. This morning I had my training session with Q, then headed to Fairfax to meet with Piano movers to have my beautiful antique baby grand delivered. Once I got home, I cleaned the house and packed my car for this evening Gold's Gym ETC vending event where I repped T2T. The event went well and as usual I got to meet so many new friends (which is my favorite thing about being a vendor). I got home around 10 and started prepping for this weeks events. I have 2 staging, 2 destagings, a consult, 2 more training sessions, and a weekend full of activities. So, I am going to sleep now. I doubt I will have time to write in the next few days, so I will catch up with you later!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 63: Run for Your Life

I am exhausted. Last night, I slept like shit. I can't get out of my head, so I just stare at the ceiling for hours until by some miracle I fall asleep. I need a better plan. Especially when I have a day as busy as today.

I have four weeks left in the challenge. I still have 4 additional PT sessions on the books with Q from prior to joining the challenge, so we have decided to use one a week until the end. This weeks sessions are all at 9am. This came really freaking early this morning after no sleep. I woke up at 7:30, got ready, cooked breakfast, choked half down before I couldn't stomach another bite, then headed out. My arms are still killing me from over the weekend; so Q took it easy on my upper body. We did leg presses, different types of squats and lunges then headed to the treadmill to... RUN. SHIT! I hate... no LOATHE RUNNING!

I told Q last week that I didn't know how to run... I figured that must be the reason why I despise it so much. Maybe there was some secret trick I didn't know and that was going to unlock my secret love of running.  NOPE! Apparently I know how to run and have excellent form. So, I really don't have an excuse and there are no magic secrets I didn't know. I just hate it. I hated it in high school and I hated it in the military. I jiggle. My lungs hurt. My shins hurt. My knees hurt. My boobs hurt. Fuck. Running. It. Sucks.

But here is the thing. There is no exercise on the planet that can take its place for quickly burning fat... which is what I need for the next four weeks.... and I hate running, a little less than I hate being fat... So guess who is going to run every mother f'ing time I see Q for the next 4 weeks. Me. Me. Me. I am going to run. DAMN. IT. ALL! 

I really hate running, ya'll don't even know. If running was a person and it was on fire, I would not piss on it to put it out. I would let that mother burn and dance on his grave.

So in the spirit of not giving up, I left the gym and killed it the rest of the day. I ran by to view a property I'll be staging this week, headed to Arlington to destage a townhome, unpacked at the warehouse, went shopping for soft furnishings, jumped on the Avon Walk team leader call, finished manipulating some CADs for a client, queued up the renderings, and now I am talking to you drinking some sleepy time tea.  Maybe it will work. I'll let you know. Talk to you tomorrow.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 61 & 62: Staging A Brighter Future

This weekend I was assisting with the Association of Property Scene Designer's Stager Pro class. It was a great time. I met a lot of great ladies who are going to do well in our field. I was the Gopher for the weekend which meant I was running around to the properties and setting up the furniture and accessories for the students to use and helping wrangle everyone during Sundays scene staging and shopping classes. Needless to say, I am exhausted, so I am going to take a nap. Later Gator.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 60: Bruised Not Broken, Damn Pole

Well, I took pole fit again and I look like I have been beaten half to death, for real. My feet, legs, and right side are all bruised and sore from the many attempts at climbing and inverting. I went and bought pole climbing gloves and ankle braces so I guess that made me feel like wonder woman, because I finally climbed the pole! Not very far, I got half way up, but shit I will take a win any where I can.

Apparently I have some weird PTSD situation happening from the last time I went to class and ripped a hole in my hand. I kept getting nervous I was scared to fully grip the pole, so I need to work on that. Until next time. Talk to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 59: High Reps Will Kill You

Q turned up the heat on me today! We did a high rep workout where at one point I thought I was going to die. We did 100 leg presses, 100 bicep extensions, 100 rows, 100 box squats, 100 knee tucks, and 10 minutes on the stair climber skipping stair's every other minute.  I was sweating so much I thought I was going to short circuit the stair climber. I looked amazing... or like hell, whichever.

I spent the rest of the day in my chair writing, editing photos, eating, and downing water. I need a nap. She really tried to kill me. We are about to "turn up" for these last 4 weeks and pull out all the stops. I don't know if I should be scared or excited. Probably a little of both.  I'll let you know. Talk to you tomorrow. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 58: Rain Rain Go Away

Well, I did not make it to Crossfit this AM. I probably could have squeezed it in before I went off for work today, but the weather did not help with motivation. I am so over this rain. I had two consults in Fairfax and driving in this mess is no fun at all. I got home about 2, wrote up the consults and sent the pics off to my boss. Then headed over to my friend Lindsey's house for dinner and an over due chill sesh.

We ordered from Afghan Kabob House and it was magical. Shocker, I had Salmon kabobs, brown rice, and spinach.... I also may have cheated and had a piece of falafel, afghan bread and tzatziki, but OMG it was so worth it. I miss bread so much. I love it so, so, so much. It was like heaven. I mean, if I am going to cheat, at least it's a healthy cheat.

It was a great night, we ate delicious food, caught up on life, and watched bad TV. We should do that more often. You should too. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Day 57: Surround Yourself with Greatness

I don't think my brain was properly functioning this morning, our training session was at 9am. I wish I could tell you what we did, but I don't remember. I do remember that we did super sets of arms and I remember doing Abs because I'm still sore, but everything else feels like a blur. Stupid time change. When are we going to stop this nonsense?

I came home and my mind started to become clear around noon. I cleaned my house, prepped for this weeks work things, then headed off for a staging consult at 5pm with a new realtor. It went fabulous. I love my job, truly. I left about 6:15 and headed to the house to get ready to go back to the gym.

Rush hour in this area is a bitch, but I made it back to the house in time to get ready and head back to the gym. Joey had a training session and I always try to go back when he goes. 1. For solidarity. 2. Because it keeps me accountable for doing two a days. What can I say, I am a social creature. I don't like going anywhere on my own if I don't have to. That may be why this go round is working out so well for me. I have Q, trainer and nutritionist extraordinaire and Joey, friend and motivator extraordinaire. They both keep me going and accountable. If I didn't have them, I don't think I would be doing so well. It is working out quite nicely. So, this evening I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill doing interval training. The incline was set to a low of 3 and high of 18.5. I sweat like a beast on that bad boy. That's how you know its working right?

I will leave you with a quote I saw that really spoke to me. I am blessed to have incredible people in my life and I wish the same for you. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day 56: A Day at the Harbor

It is getting warmer outside, so we decided to take off to Baltimore for the day and check out the inner harbor. I had never been to the National Aquarium before. Let me just tell you, OMG! IT IS AMAZING! We got out exercise in wondering through the museum and around the harbor. What a fabulous place.

After we left the aquarium, we wondered into Phillips seafood where I had the most terrible salmon and veggies of my life. The Salmon was overcooked and over seasoned and the spinach and asparagus were covered in oil. It was foul. I did however have broiled scallops which were perfect... but that was the only thing.

We finished off our day in Baltimore at Ripley's Believe it or Not. I have been to a few of these before, but this one was particularly entertaining. I definitely recommend it. Enjoy a few shots of our super fun day. I'll talk to you tomorrow.





Saturday, March 7, 2015

Day 55: Swimmy Swim Swim

Today was good, I got back in the pool for the first time in about a year. Ryan, Joey, and I went down to our neighborhood gym. Ryan ran 6 miles while Joey and I went to the pool. He stayed 30 minutes before his tendonitis started acting up and I stayed an hour swimming laps before I went to retrieve Ryan from the treadmill. We came home, hung out for a while, then Ryan and I went off to have dinner with some friends.

Ugh, dinner. A moment of weakness in my life. See, I am tempted to drink every single day; I have a bar in my basement. So far, I have been able to keep it together and restrain myself. I was pretty stressed out this evening, so I decided to say fuck it and order a glass of Malbec. Well, I ordered it, it came, and I stared at it... then I stared at it some more, then I tasted it... And then it hit me. I am stronger than my oppressor... I ultimately decided there was no need for me to have the wine. It was against everything I have been working for... So, I simply said I didn't like it and pored it in Ryan's glass and that was that.

I happily ate my salmon and asparagus and then we headed over to catch a movie. We went to see Chappie. It was terrible. Can't win them all. Either way, I shall not fear, for tomorrow will be awesome. I'll talk to you then.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Day 54: Adventures in Sobriety

This mornings workout was, lets just say, tiring. Q had me do a timed obstacle course that consisted of 4 rounds of 20 squat presses with 45 pound bar, 90 pound sled push, tire flip, 20 battle ropes, and ten 14 pound medicine ball slams. My best time was 2 minutes 35 seconds on the second round, worse was 3 minutes 40 seconds on the third round. I hate tire flips. Tires feel dirty. I don't like it.

After the course we went over to the stair climber for 15 minutes. Color me surprised I was able to stay on that thing so long without completely dying. I mean, I was dying, but I didn't die. Does that make sense, lol?

I stuck around the gym a few minutes chatting with Q, went out and ran a few errands. (Fran, I got my reduced sugar ketchup, finally!), then headed home to debate for the next 5 hours whether or not I was going to go out for a friends birthday tonight. I ultimately decided against it. I am 2 weeks sober into a 6 week plan and I still feel volatile. It is easy to say no during the day and when I am out to dinner, but going to a bar at night, I really don't know if I could do it so, I ultimately decided not to take the risk, no matter how sad I was I didn't get to see Mal for her birthday.

Instead we met up with some friends and all decided to all be sober together. We went and played a game of Laser Tag then headed over to the bowling ally for 4 games of cosmic bowling. I had a freaking blast. Laser Tag was amazeballs and bowling, well, apparently lifting weights for real ups your game... or maybe it was the whole not drinking bit. I don't think I have been in a bowling ally sober since high school. I was actually good! I was tossing a 13 pound ball down the lane like it was a rag doll, my arm wasn't even tired! We bowled from 9:30 to 1 am. Maybe this whole 6 week sobriety situation won't be so bad. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 53: Snowbody Can Stop Me Now

It is a winter wonderland outside, so OPM closed the government… which meant my two favorite Airmen were home for the day. Over the morning we mostly just laid around watching Walking Dead and Sleepy Hollow, about 10 Joey started asking “We going to the gym?”, Me: “Yeah, one more show”. We decided to leave at noon. I really thought the snow would be bad enough by then that we couldn’t go, but I was wrong. It wasn’t bad at all yet, so off we went.

Joey put together a workout from Men’s Fitness and I started out with some cardio doing 30 minute interval training with the incline ranging between 3 and 18.5. I was sweating like a pig. When I had 3 minutes left, Joey wondered over to ask if I wanted to do abs when he was done with his next set. Well, duh. Yeah. I like working out with Joey, he makes me push myself harder than I would on my own. Once I was done with the interval training, I wondered over to Joey to find him on the bench press killing it. I had to take a picture of his face. This is the face of a man putting in work, for real.

When Joey finished we went over to the turf and did 3 rounds of the following: Decline Sit-ups, Mountain Climbers, 12 reps; Mountain Climbers, 20 reps; Russian Twists, 20 reps, 35 pound Kettlebell; Roman Deadlift, 12 reps, 35 pound Kettlebell; Bicycle Crunches, 20 reps; Back Extensions; and Side Extensions.
I was so SO dead by the end it. We were at the gym for 2 hours. I am going to be so sore these next few days. I haven’t don’t anything like this, ever. I felt like Wonder Woman. I wish I was Wonder Woman, because that would have meant we could fly home, and that would have been so much better than the shit we had to deal with. We are in the middle of a Snowpocolypse 2.0 up here and there are cars stuck everywhere.
Thank God we made it home one piece. I am certainly not getting back out there in this non-sense today. I am going to snuggle up right on this couch, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 52: I Might Be a Unicorn

Successful two-a-day, check. I am freaking exhausted right now. I really want to go to bed, but I feel compelled to write... and also Ryan, Joey, and I are watching Star Wars, so I can't very well go to bed yet. There is supposed to be a massive snow storm tomorrow, so the boys are staying up late with the HOPE good ole OPM shuts down. Fingers crossed.

I am tired because I went back to Caesare's  Kettlebell class for the first time in several weeks and after this mornings training session with Q, my arms were the last thing that wanted to get worked out. Our KB class consisted of 2 rounds of 7 one minute intervals. We did soccer kicks, squats, twists, partner plank rows, partner pass's with mountain climbers in between, and two versions of abs... you are on your back and in one version you have your knees up and reach from above your head and lift the KB and your shoulders off the floor. The second your legs and arms are strait up and you bring your shoulders up. (I don't know what they are called, so I thought I'd explain.)  I used the 27 pound kettle bell this time and it felt a little on the light side for some of the exercises, so I am going to have to bump up again.

Now, for the reason I am a unicorn.  Every girl with big boobs knows how awful it is to bounce up and down for ANY reason. That shit hurts. Well, during the KB soccer kicks, you are basically just jogging in place, which means a lot of jiggle, so I keep my arms up and my hands prepared to grab the girls when the jiggle gets too much. Really, I look like a prancing pony, but unicorns are waaayyyyy more sparkly, so duh. I dubbed myself a unicorn. Caes agrees, I am definitely a unicorn. Thank God that man did not have his camera.

Note: I realize this could be construed as I am a mythical creature who can't be found in a gym, but we all know that's not true... and rats are ugly... so I am redefining Gym Unicorn as the sparkly creature who prances around the local gym getting in real work. I am a PROUD Gym Unicorn.
My unicorn self was killing it this morning. Q had me doing rounds of the following: walking lunges, leg press, curls with resistance on the way down, weighted rows, and a machine that you pull the weight down with one arm while your elbow is tucked into your side. I don't know how many rounds we did, but it was a lot. The most exciting thing for me is we were waiting on the leg press, I looked over and saw the bench press, so I asked Q if I could try it. I did and it was AWESOME! Apparently I did 90 pounds. Two 25 pound plates and a 40 pound bar. I was so jazzed that I was able to do it, I went for a second round of 6 and made her take a picture.
I REAALLLYYY love lifting weights, like a lot... and the fact I am slowly building this upper body strength that I never thought I would is like the highlight of my life.
One of the highlights of my day started out first thing this morning. Yesterday I mentioned that Q was convinced my weight has been stagnate because I do not drank enough water and was retaining fluid. Yesterday was the first time I had actually drank the recommended gallon... so this morning I hopped on the scale and SURE ENOUGH Q was right... I finally saw the scale move. I was down one pound from the previous 3 days. So again today, I have drank well over a gallon and hope for more movement tomorrow. So off to bed for me, I'll talk to you tomorrow. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 51: Crossfit for Dummies

I still want a cheeseburger. In fact, that is all I have been telling anyone who will listen to me. I want a cheeseburger and a glass of bourbon. Damn. It. I really want the bread more than anything. I think I would be happy with a salmon burger at this point.... with ketchup. I would very much like some ketchup.

So now that's out of the way, I had a pretty productive day. I woke up and went to Crossfit. I love/hate Crossfit, truly. This was the first time I did the "real" Crossfit class, the other times were just "elements", which is basically Crossfit for Dummies. The class was good, I was the only one in it. Marci instructed, I like her a lot. She is "nice"... as nice as someone can be who is forcing your body to do something that it reeeaalllyyy doesn't want to do at all. I cursed a lot. Shocker.

Deadlifting was the strength portion of class. I started with the 45 pound bar, then added 15 to each side, then 25's, then 40's, and tapped out at 125 pounds; which is what I stayed with. My first round was under 2 minutes. The rest, well, lets just say it wasn't under two minutes. It was super slow. I am not used to lifting heavier weight. This is the first time I have ever deadlifted anything over 80 pounds. The more I did, the dizzier I got. During round three, Marci asked if I wanted to stop, but I pressed to go one more. I was cool. I am not going to let myself pass out.

The WOD originally called for 5 rounds and instead of bench dips, it called for ring dips.... but Marci is amazing and modified it for my beginner self. She rocks! I felt like a badass at the end of class.

The rest of the day was wildly productive. I got home and organized my garage (I can finally park back in my spot, YES!), cooked lunch, ran to see a home I will be staging, stopped by the warehouse, headed to Fairfax for a design consult, drove home, cooked dinner, watched an episode of House of Cards, and now I am blogging.... I do this all while struggling to choke down a gallon of water. At 10:56pm, I finished the gallon.

Drinking this much water is the biggest struggle I have. Q is convinced the reason I have been sitting at the same weight for the last 4 days is because I am retaining water.... 'cause I'm not drinking enough. Well, today I drank enough, so I guess tomorrow morning I will see if there is any movement. I will let you know, talk to you then.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 50: All I Want in Life is a Cheesburger

Seriously, what I would give for a freaking cheeseburger right now. Joey and I just did Yoga then stopped  by the mall and there were Red Robin signs EVERYWHERE. I was about to trade my entire life for a 1500 calorie cheeseburger. Thank God for Joey, I was like "Seriously, lets go to Red Robin". He says "Okay, we are going to go right by it."... we literally drove right by it and I did not get my amazing cheeseburger.

This whole eating the same thing every day SUCKS ASS today. I mean, I am getting creative as all hell, but you can only season Cod and Salmon so many ways before it all starts to taste the same. It has only been 5 days, but it feels like 50. Only 25 more days of this to go. My God, Why?!

The other day, I actually had a dream about bread. One of my favorite local chains, Great American Restaurants, has this little roll that is like heaven in your mouth. It is this round, donut like, little piece of magic in your mouth. They also give you this honey spread to make it that much more delicious. Needless to say, I actually had a dream about this roll. All the dream was, was me looking at my hands that contained a roll, I cut it in 2 and spread the honey butter on it and just stared at it. I never actually ate it, not even in my dream. Bastard. I cant even enjoy it in my dream!

I mean, I am clearly doing this for a reason. I wore a shirt today that I haven't worn in a while and I had Q Take a picture. I am pretty happy, the back fat is starting to go away and I am starting to get a butt. All these squats are paying off. Love it!

The rest of the workout we did Tabata training. 5 rounds, 1 minute intervals, 2 minutes rest period between rounds. I did air squats, box step-ups, 300 meter row, crossfit style sit-ups, walkout push-ups, and wall balls. It was a good session.
I am back to two-a-days when possible. Now that it has gotten to be the busy season with Staging and Design, I am going to be less likely to get back in the evenings, but I am definitely going to make myself go when I can. Tonight, we went back for Yoga and it was fabulous.
On that note, I am going to take my fabulous self to the couch and watch my DVR'd Once Upon a Time. I am so happy it's back! I'll talk to you tomorrow.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 49: Lazy with a Purpose

Yay! I get to be lazy today. I can't tell you the last time I've laid on my couch and done nothing but watch horrible TV shows.

So far today I have watched Glee, Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Two and a Half Men, and Greys Anatomy.  Basically, all the wack shows I watch out of some weird loyalty I developed from watching the from the beginning... Even though they jumped the shark many seasons ago.

So, I will keep laying here drinking water until Joey gets home so we can run to Costco and buy food and things. The only productive thing I've done all day is walk the FiFi Dog and cooked my fish for the next three days.... but it's okay, Q told me I could! We'll see if I'm back to dropping weight in the morning. I'll let you know tomorrow!